About me

Johannes Faupel: Author

Johannes Faupel: Author “Mind Rooms”

Johannes Faupel – Author of Mind Rooms

“Do not complain – collect your resources”

My publication with Springer Nature deals with burnout prevention and burnout intervention.

I am the author of e-books in which I summarize the most effective of my systemic interventions into compact concepts.

Mind Rooms is a concept based on the German book “Gedankenwohnung”.

I wish you good reading and maximum self-efficacy in implementing the included intervention.

Johannes Faupel – Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Systemic therapist and consultant

Certified by the Systemic Society – Systemische Gesellschaft (SG)

Certified by the International Society for Systemic Therapy – Internationale Gesellschaft für Systemische Therapie IGST.

Johannes Faupel at LinkedIn

© 2024 MIND-ROOMS E-Book – Author: Johannes Faupel | Concentration by Excentration